During the academic semester, the Berkeley Institute focuses its programming on students — but during the summer, we are opening our doors. If you want to think more about a familiar text or be introduced to new ideas; if you want to read closely and think deeply in the company of others; or if you want to develop the habits of patient and generous thinking, we invite you to participate in our reading groups this summer. Unless otherwise noted, all our reading groups are open to the public (ages 18 and older) and welcomes participants from all walks of life and educational backgrounds.

Because we want to create a meaningful space for thoughtful conversation, we must limit the number of participants in each reading group. You may apply for more than one reading group. Please only apply to join a reading group if you can commit to attending all the meetings and completing the reading beforehand.

All questions about this program are welcome at

  • Housekeeping: A Novel by Marilyn Robinson

    facilitator: Demetri Leones

    Location: Berkeley Institute,
    2134 Allston Way, 2nd floor

    Fri., May 24 at 12pm-1:15pm: Session #1 Chapters 1-4

    Fri., June 7 at 12pm-1:15pm: Session #2 Chapters 5-8

    Fri., June 21 at 12pm-1:15pm: Session #3 Chapters 9-11

  • Vesper Flights by Helen MacDonald

    facilitator: Emma Teng

    Location: Berkeley Institute,
    2134 Allston Way, 2nd floor

    Tues., June 25 at 6pm-7:15pm

    Tues., July 2 at 6pm-7:15pm

    Tues., July 9 at 6pm-7:15pm

  • Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar

    facilitator: Monica Mikhail

    Location: Berkeley Institute,
    2134 Allston Way, 2nd floor

    Thurs., July 25 at 6pm-7:15pm

    Thurs., August 1 at 6pm-7:15pm

  • Selections from Augustine's Confessions

    *this is a virtual reading group open to BINST alumni only

    Dates: TBA

  • End-of-Summer Dinner Party: A Conversation about Academic-Adjacent Spaces

    *this event is open to participants in our summer reading groups, BINST alumni, and our Donor Communities

    Fri., August 18 from 6:00-7:30pm

    In student life, what is the role of academic-adjacent spaces: the spaces between and around classes where intellectual friendship develops? This end-of-summer celebration will include dinner, casual conversation, and an opportunity to enjoy the friendships made across our summer reading groups. We'll encourage guests to read this essay beforehand and come ready to think, eat, and hang out.

    RSVP link will be sent via email